Street Prize
Hooray For Harwich

Two players in Harwich are celebrating this week after their postcode, CO12 3NJ, was drawn as a winner in People's Postcode Lottery Saturday Street Prize.
Michael Campbell, 69, was at home with his wife Dawn when he was surprised by People's Postcode Lottery ambassador Danyl Johnson, with a cheque for a whopping £25,000.
"This has been an absolutely fantastic surprise," said Michael. "It's come at the perfect time of year."
With Christmas just a couple of weeks away, Michael has plenty of plans with his money. "We're definitely going to have a great Christmas this year," said Michael. "I think I'll give some money to the children, jet off somewhere warm with Dawn in the New Year and hopefully look into getting a BMW when we're back."
December is a month full of excitement for retiree Michael, as he is also celebrating his 70th birthday. Michael explained, "We've got a party planned with all the family, but now it will definitely be a double celebration!"
Next in line to receive his very own cheque for £25,000 was retiree Robert Smith.
Robert was joined by his wife Julia when he was presented with his cheque and was "absolutely excited" to see how much he'd won. "This is just absolutely lovely," said Robert. "I'm newly retired so this will definitely make my retirement that bit easier."
Unlike Michael, Robert isn't too sure what he'll spend his money on yet but did state, "This will make this Christmas extra special."
Robert has been playing People's Postcode Lottery for a couple of years now and decided to sign up to play because of all the supported charities. "I like that by playing People's Postcode Lottery, I'm supporting so many great causes," said Robert.
A third lucky winner also won £25,000 but wasn't available when the team knocked on their door. They'll receive a lovely surprise in their bank account just in time for Christmas.
People's Postcode Lottery ambassador and X Factor star Danyl Johnson said,"Michael and Robert were both so excited to receive their cheques today. It was my pleasure presenting them both with their cheques, and I hope they have a very Merry Christmas."
Players have raised over £95.3 Million for charities and good causes across Great Britain and internationally. One charity near this weekend's winning postcode is Re-Cycle. The charity, based in Colchester, received £11,840 from players. Re-Cycle reuse and recycle old bikes. Since 1997, they have prevented over 54,000 bicycles from either going to landfill or sitting in a state of disuse in garden sheds. Re-Cycle used the grant to enhance its workshop area to offer a warm, comfortable environment for volunteers who have to work during the cold winter months.
Published: 05/12/2015