People’s Postcode Lottery Prizes
Sign up before midnight on 28 February to play in our March draws.
£12 for March draws, then £12.25 per month for April draws onwards, paid monthly in advance. There's 20 draws a month!
Watch out for our exciting new prizes launching in April's draws.

For more information on the difference between a Postcode and a Postcode sector, please visit our How it works page.
87% of players won a prize in 2024!
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Playing couldn't be simpler
Your postcode is your ticket
Simply sign up with your postcode to play. You can purchase up to 3 tickets to triple your winnings.
You're entered into all 20 draws
Each month you're entered into all 20 draws including our weekly Millionaire Street and monthly Postcode Millions prizes with winning postcodes announced every day.
Never miss a chance to win
Your subscription is paid monthly in advance, to ensure automatic entry into every draw so you never miss out.
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It only takes two minutes to sign up and you can cancel any time with no minimum commitment.

By playing, you’re supporting good causes across the UK, with over £{{ GoodCauses }} Billion raised by players to date

for good causes
Players support thousands of charities and community projects across Britain.

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