Street Prize
Cool Win In Kenilworth

This weekend is an exciting one for two sets of players, as a Kenilworth player has won £25,000 in the Saturday Street Prize, and two Tipton players have won £5,000 Dream Holidays.
Derrick Ward from Kenilworth was delighted this week after winning £25,000 when his postcode, CV8 1HX, was drawn as a winnerin the Saturday Street Prize.
Derrick, 72, was joined by his wife Pauline as he was surprised by People's Postcode Lottery presenter Judie McCourt, who presented him with his cheque.
"It was such a big surprise," he said. "I think I'm still in shock."
Derrick has been a player of People's Postcode Lottery since April 2013, and although he was surprised by his win, he already has a few ideas of what to spend the money on. "We have one or two things in the pipeline," he said. "We went to Las Vegas a couple of years ago, but only for three days. I would really like to go back and spend a lot longer there."
Retired engineer Derrick is also looking forward to celebrating his win with family. "I have three children and three grandchildren, so there are plenty of people to spoil," he said. "I'll have a proper think about what I want to spend the rest on."
People's Postcode Lottery Street Prize presenter Judie McCourt said, "I enjoyed meeting Derrick and his lovely wife Pauline. I hope they get to Las Vegas soon with their winnings."
Our second group of winners this week is from Tipton. Their postcode, DY4 0XH, was drawn as a winner of this month's Dream Holiday, thanks to People's Postcode Lottery.
Susan Jacks, 48, is long overdue a relaxing getaway, as she has not been on holiday for 11 years. "I have just renewed my passport, so this has come at the perfect time," said Susan.
Susan, who works at a local café, is looking forward to taking full advantage of her Dream Holiday prize. "It will be lovely to be the person who is waited on for a change," she laughed.
Susan, who will be celebrating her birthday on 17th February, will be taking her partner Richard and her daughter Jessika with her. "I am going to have a good, long think about where to go," said Susan. "I am sure my daughter and partner will have a few ideas!"
Tipton's other winner wasn't available when People's Postcode Lottery announced the win, so they will get a nice surprise when they receive their Dream Holiday vouchers in the post.
This is the second big win for Tipton, as players won £1,000 each in the Daily Prize draw in January last year.
Players have raised over £61 Million for charities and good causes across Great Britain and internationally. One project near Derrick in Kenilworth is Castel Froma, a charity that cares for people with neurological conditions.
Castel Froma has been awarded £7,686, and used the award to improve the rehabilitation programme they provide for severely disabled residents in their two Warwickshire centres. Thanks to players, they have been able to develop a new sensory garden at their Helen Ley Care Centre, purchase new equipment for their residents' arts and crafts classes and fund a sessional worker to run the classes.
Published: 14/02/2015