Postcode Millions
Excitement In Uckfield

Three lucky Uckfield residents will have plenty to celebrate this Christmas, as on Sunday 21st December, their postcode, TN22 5ED, won them £333,333 each at the December Postcode Millions.
Susan Butler, 58, a factory worker at Kennedy Hygiene in Uckfield, was shocked to discover that she had won £333,333. Susan said, "I just didn't think something like this could happen to someone like me. It's amazing but I think it will take a while for it to sink in."
Susan, who attended the event with her husband Robin, had already collected a cheque for £12,779 and couldn't believe it when her full postcode was revealed. Susan said, "I phoned my daughter Laura straight after my first cheque was revealed. I don't think she'll believe me when I call her back and tell her I've won £333,333."
Susan had initially planned to buy a new carpet with her winnings but now has bigger plans. "We love Uckfield, so we'll definitely be staying here, but I think we might move house now that we've won the money," said Susan. Although Susan is keen to move house, she doesn't have any immediate plans to stop working. "I've worked at Kennedy Hygiene for over 16 years and have made great friends there. Robin has just semi-retired from his job as a mental health support worker, so the win has come at the perfect time for the both of us," said Susan.
Susan's husband Robin was just as excited about the win, especially with Christmas being just around the corner. Robin explained, "We always hold a massive party for all of our family on Boxing Day, and this year it's definitely going to be our biggest and best party yet!"
Robin continued, "I love the way that People's Postcode Lottery brings everyone together and that we all get the opportunity to win as a community."
Two of the lucky three winners of the £333,333 prize were unable to make the cheque presentation today, but will have a wonderful surprise in their bank account just in time for Christmas.
Also celebrating today were brothers Mike and Tim Slaughter, who made the day a real family affair. Mike was first up to collect his cheque for £12,779 and was quickly followed by brother Tim, who scooped £23,428. Tim is celebrating his 25th wedding anniversary next year, and Mike's son Justin recently got engaged so the brothers have several impending celebrations to spend their winnings on.
Aaron Hudson, 30, a caretaker and gardener, described his win as "epic" after winning £25,558. Aaron has certainly had a very eventful week. "I crashed my car this week, so this win couldn't have come at a better time."
The 99 winners who attended the celebration today walked away with cheques ranging from £1,064 to £333,333. One winner, who had already won £1,064, also picked up the keys to a brand new BMW 1 Series.
Alison Hubert, Director of Book Aid International, attended the Postcode Millions at the East Sussex National Hotel and was delighted to meet all of the excited players at the celebration. She said, "Today has been wonderful day. It was so exciting to see everyone receiving their cheques! This has been our first opportunity to get out and meet the winners face to face and say thank you for all their support. Congratulations to all the winners from Uckfield."
People's Postcode Lottery presenter Judie McCourt said, "It's been an absolutely fantastic day here in Uckfield. The Christmas Postcode Millions is always my favourite event to host as everyone is just bursting with festive cheer! I hope everyone enjoys spending their winnings. I'm sure this will be an extra special Christmas for everyone celebrating today. Congratulations to you all!"
Published: 19/12/2014