Local Causes
Volunteering For Homeless Charities In Bradford

Imagine not having a warm bed to sleep in at night or access to hot water for a shower. How about not being able to go out and buy nutritious food for your evening meal? Sadly, that's the reality for thousands of people across the UK who've ended up homeless and are desperately in need of help.
Why Volunteer For A Homeless Charity In Bradford?
Homelessness is an issue that can be seen all over the UK, including cities like Bradford. In fact, in December 2017, the number of homeless people on the streets of Bradford hit a nine year high with over 400 registering themselves as homeless.
Thankfully, it's possible to reduce those figures by supporting some of the amazing homeless charities operating in Bradford. These organisations are dedicated to offering advice and assistance to those who desperately need it, in the form of housing, food, employment options and counselling.
As well as playing People's Postcode Lottery and automatically helping fund hundreds of great causes across the UK, why not get involved directly with some homeless charities in the Bradford area?
Homeless Charities In Bradford That Need Your Help
Emmaus Bradford
Emmaus is a national charity that was founded in France during the 1940s. It currently has branches all over the UK and is dedicated to offering long term assistance to the homeless.
You'll find an Emmaus charity shop in Bradford, funds from which go directly to helping homeless people in the local area. The shop is always after donations of goods, from clothing to furniture, and they also rely on volunteers to run it. You could even show support for Emmaus Bradford by starting up a new fundraising event, or getting involved with an existing one.
Hope Housing Bradford
Hope Housing is a Christian charity that provides accommodation and other support services for the homeless community in Bradford. It's able to provide beds for 17 people every night, at a range of properties around the city.
As well as a safe place to sleep, Hope Housing Bradford also tries to empower homeless people to change their lives with tailored practical, emotional and financial help. The organisation works with partner charities around the city to ensure every homeless person who comes to them receives the right assistance.
You could help Hope Housing continue with its amazing work by volunteering as a befriender - a person who acts as a friendly face for their clients and makes sure they get the aid they need. The charity also often needs donations of simple things like clothes and underwear. Plus, you could always help out redecorating or maintaining one of the support homes.
Simon On The Streets
Based throughout Yorkshire but with a base in Bradford, Simon on the Streets is a charity that assists those who have ended up homeless as a result of mental health issues or severe substance abuse.
Operating via outreach, the organisation goes directly to people on the streets and offers them tailored practical and emotional support services to get their lives back on track. You could join Simon on the Streets' amazing team of street volunteers today, or help out with their fundraising charity events in Bradford.
Bradford Nightstop
Founded in 1993 and accredited by Depaul UK, Bradford Nightstop is a charity that provides emergency accommodation for young people in need in Bradford. Thanks to a team of trained and checked volunteers who kindly offer up their homes, the charity can secure a bed for those in need every night of the year.
Bradford Nightstop has been a vital lifeline for so many. The organisation is always looking for hosts, who with a little training, would have young people in an emergency stay at their homes. Bradford Nightstop also tries to prevent homelessness from happening in the first place, through its education programmes in schools around the local area.
How To Help
As well as signing up to play People's Postcode Lottery, why not take a look at our Local Causes directory, to find even more great charities in need of help in your local area?
Last updated: 05/03/2021