A Leeds Love Story

Ever since Molly bounded into Mandy's life five years ago, they have been inseparable.
Brought together thanks to the incredible work of Dogs Trust, the bond between them is clear for all to see. For Mandy, it was love at first sight.
"I fell in love with beautiful Molly from her photograph, even before I visited the rehoming centre to meet her," explained Mandy. "I just knew we were going to be a perfect match."
Spaniel Molly is one of thousands of four-legged friends helped to find their fur-ever home by the Dogs Trust. To date, our players have raised more than £20 Million for the deserving charity. That funding is helping to change the lives of dogs and their owners.
Molly was handed in to the Leeds rehoming centre - one of 21 run by Dogs Trust. She was three years old at the time and since then, with the help of training classes, Molly has become the paw-fect canine companion.
Mandy said, "Her antics make me laugh every day and I wouldn't be without her. All the training has really paid off. She brings so much joy to my life. We go hiking, take part in CaniCross - which is cross country running with your dog - and a whole range of activities that dogs enjoy - such as working with hoops, agility, trick training and the like. Then, after a busy day, she likes nothing better than to snuggle up on the sofa with me."
Emma Cooper, Rehoming Centre Assistant Manager at Dogs Trust Leeds, said, "Both Mandy and Molly are now part of the Dogs Trust family. So many dogs need our help right now, we're incredibly grateful to everyone who plays a part in finding them new homes."
It's now five years since Mandy took Molly home - affectionately known in Dogs Trust circles as their "Gotcha Day".
"Time certainly flies when you're having fun," said Mandy. "Molly is such a happy little spaniel, and her tail never stops happily wagging. I'm so grateful to Dogs Trust Leeds for finding me my special little dog."
And this tale doesn't stop there. After adopting Molly, Mandy became a Volunteer Canine Assistant at the centre and more recently has landed what she describes as 'her dream job' as a paid Canine Carer, supporting other dogs to find their forever homes too. Now that's a shaggy dog story with a truly paw-some ending!
Making A Difference
People's Postcode Lottery players are helping deserving causes like Dogs Trust make a difference every single day. Read more about the range of Charities which our players support.
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Published: 26/10/2023