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£1 Million Prize

Boughton's Millionaire Street

08 July 2023 - NG22 9HJ - Boughton - £1 Million

Lucky Mandy has partner Gav to thank after scooping a £100,000 cheque just weeks after she contemplated cancelling her People's Postcode Lottery ticket.

Mandy, along with seven neighbours, shared a massive £1,000,000 after their Boughton postcode, NG22 9HJ, was today announced as the winner of our weekly Millionaire Street prize.

This is the second time that Nottinghamshire residents have taken home our £1 Million prize, after 14 neighbours in the nearby town of Mansfield won last Saturday.

It's All Worth It

Gobsmacked Gav, who pleaded with Mandy to continue playing People's Postcode Lottery, said, "Mandy wanted to cancel so many times, but I said, 'Don't cancel it, keep it going - it's for a reason, isn't it?'

"And it's all worth it now."

Mandy, a former healthcare assistant, added, "You don't think it's going to happen, so I guess you lose hope. But this amount feels like I'm dreaming. It probably won't feel real until it's in my bank account."

And Gav has even more to smile about as he is set to splash out on some new teeth. Gav said, "I'm going to Turkey to get some teeth. I'm going to look like Rylan.

"I've always wanted to get them done as it's so expensive these days so I can get them all brand new and we can have a holiday."

The couple, who've been together for 23 years, are also now in the market for some new wheels with their new-found wealth. Gav said, "We'll be able to buy our son his first car, which we never thought we'd be able to do, which is an awesome feeling."

Mandy added, "And there's a nice caravan up the road for sale which I think I'll buy now."

Gav thought the money would also help with his job. He said, "This morning, I was at work on minimum wage, doing loads of overtime and now I've got a hundred grand. It's life-changing!

"I'm a Level 3 mechanic and I only need a few more tools and a van and I can be a mobile mechanic. It means I won't need to settle for minimum wage."

Emotional Surprise

Across the road, Kelly broke down in tears after People's Postcode Lottery Presenter Danyl Johnson revealed her £200,000 prize, thanks to playing with two tickets.

An emotional Kelly said, "£1,000 would have been a lot of money to us right now, but £200,000 is just completely over the top."

Kelly's husband Barry was driving to work when he heard the news. The mum-of-three said, "Barry had to pull over his car because he also got quite emotional when I told him.

"He knows how much this money will help, to be able to treat the children and to live comfortably for a while."

Lucky Number

Mandy's next door neighbour Ruby was stunned after finding out she'd won a £100,000 cheque. Ruby, a retired bus conductress, said, "I've always said to my family that I'll live to 100 and it's definitely my lucky number now."

Ruby's husband Jim was equally dumbfounded when he saw their six-figure sum. He said, "We thought it might be £1,500 and we'd have been delighted with that. We won't need to put money aside for our trips to Skegness anymore."

Ruby added, "I honestly would have been chuffed with £100."

The couple, who have been together for 65 years, married in 1971 after a pen pal love story blossomed while Jim was in the army.

Jim, a former soldier in the Royal Signals and taxi driver, said, "Ruby really deserves this, it'll make life easier for us both - that's for sure."

Birthday Surprise

Another delighted £100,000 winner was Jackie, who recently celebrated her 60th birthday. Jackie said, "It was my birthday last Saturday and I even got a birthday card from the Postcode Lottery.

"Little did I know they'd be on my doorstep seven days later."

The grandmother-of-five hoped to go on holiday and treat her four boys and grandkids with her windfall. She said, "I think I'll take my granddaughter on a shopping spree then I'll go on a big holiday.

"I think the boys will want Motocross dirt bikes, but we'll just see."

Still Shaking

Gary was blown away after he caught a glimpse of his £100,000 cheque. He said, "My life's just changed today. I'm still shaking.

"If you can believe it, my surname is Pay - I'm living up to my name now!"

Gary is now planning a trip of a lifetime. He said, "I want to go on a cruise to the Caribbean for a month or two."

People's Postcode Lottery Presenter Danyl Johnson said, "We had a brilliant day in Boughton surprising eight lucky players. There was a real community spirit on Manvers View as loads of neighbours gathered to cheer on the winners."

He added, "It's incredibly special to see neighbours winning together. But local charities in Nottinghamshire also have something to celebrate, thanks to our players.

"People's Postcode Lottery players have raised more than £1.1 Billion for charities and thousands of local good causes. Neighbours win and charities win. That's what we're all about."

Good Causes Globally

Today's prize is part of a draw promoted on behalf of Postcode Education Trust (opens in a new tab). Supported by our players, this trust delivers grant funding to organisations that provide education, particularly in emergency situations. Benefiting charities include AfriKids, War Child and Save the Children.

At People's Postcode Lottery, 33% of the ticket price goes directly to Charities, and our wonderful players have raised more than £1.1 Billion for thousands of good causes across Great Britain and beyond.

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Published: 08/07/2023

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