Street Prize
Elation In Ellesmere Port

Ellesmere Port is home to three very happy neighbours who scooped whopping prizes today when their lucky postcode, CH66 1NE, was announced as a winner of our Saturday Street Prize.
Two of the lucky players picked up cheques for £30,000 each, while the third bagged themselves £60,000 thanks to playing with two tickets.
Screamed With Delight
Wendy, a local bridal shop owner, screamed with delight when her son Adam contacted her via FaceTime to let her know how much she'd won. Wendy, who was on holiday in Crete for her husband Carl's 50th birthday, had arranged for Adam and her sister-in-law Sharon to collect the cheque on her behalf.
Adam said, "I never thought this would happen to my mum but here it is, right on our doorstep! We've got a big party planned for my dad's 50th when they get back from holiday but it'll be an even bigger celebration now. I'm going to need to make sure I sign up and play!"
Sharon added, "Carl had a heart attack three years ago, so it's really nice they've got a bit of luck on their side now. I'm sure the champagne will be flowing in Crete and I can't wait to toast the good fortune with them when they get back."
Street Prize Presenter Danyl Johnson was handing out the golden envelopes in Ellesmere Port. He said, "It was great fun FaceTiming Wendy from her sun lounger to let her know she'd scooped a massive prize. It sounds like there's going to be a lot of partying coming up in Ellesmere Port!"
Supporting Charities Large And Small
With 32% of the ticket price going to charity, players of People's Postcode Lottery have now raised more than £438 Million for thousands of good causes across Great Britain as well as internationally.
This prize was part of a draw promoted by The Ramblers which, thanks to players, has received more than £7 Million in funding. Dedicated to looking after paths and green spaces, this charity leads walks, opens up new places to explore and encourages everyone to get outside and discover how walking boosts your health and your happiness.
One local charity that has been supported thanks to players is Chapter - West Cheshire. The charity received £6,500 thanks to players which is funding a life-skills key worker to support over 150 people with mental illness to get back into work.
Do you have a subscription to People's Postcode Lottery? If you aren't playing yet, check out How It Works and the amazing Prizes that can be won. Why not sign up today? You never know, we could be knocking on your door!
Ellesmere Port wasn't the only area celebrating - two lucky players in another part of the country picked up their own £30,000 cheques in Sunday's Street Prize.
Published: 15/06/2019