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Street Prize

Bellshill Bonanza

15 October 2022 - ML4 3PP - Bellshill - £30,000

It's a brilliant day in Bellshill as two neighbours with postcode ML4 3PP have won today's £30,000 Street Prize. One of the lucky players, Gordon, is taking home a stunning £60,000 thanks to playing with two tickets!

Thought It Was A Wind-Up

Bellshill grandfather Gordon was joined by his wife Louise when he got a knock on his door from Street Prize Presenter Judie McCourt and the rest of our team.

On seeing how much he'd won, Gordon exclaimed, "Oh for goodness' sake - I thought this was all just a kid-on, I didn't think it would be real!"

The couple, who have been married 47 years, said news of their win has "absolutely lifted their spirits," after years of ill health for Gordon.

Louise said, "Gordon had a stomach ulcer in the late 1960s that burst. Surgery back then wasn't where it is now, and it done a lot of damage. He's had 17 operations to try and rectify it but there's nothing that can be done.

"We met in 1973 when he was a patient at the Western Infirmary in Glasgow where I was a nurse."

Gordon added, "Most of my stomach and intestine isn't there. It's painful but you can't dwell on it. You just have to get up and get on with it, but it is hard going."

The retired panel beater knows exactly how he'll spend his windfall. He said, "I'm going to get a new car, I'll treat myself to an automatic!

"I can help my son, too. And my wee granddaughter, who's eight, has already got a writing pad out to write down everything she's wanting!"

Louise would love to go on holiday and said, "We went a few years ago to Tenby in Wales and it was beautiful. We'd like to go back there and take the family this time."

Gordon joked, "We might go for a weekend at the Barras, too!"

Happy As Larry

Gordon's neighbour, John, was our second winner. He landed a cheque for £30,000 and was delighted. He said, "It's great, I'm just ecstatic."

John, a warehouse forklift driver, has a few plans for the money. He commented, "I'm going to get my house done up with new carpets and new doors. But first and foremost, I'm going to go a wee holiday - I've been working too hard so I'm going to go to Tenerife.

"I've got three kids so no doubt they'll be wanting some money from me too!"

Asked how he'd celebrate, John said, "I'll have a few little brandies tonight to celebrate and watch the football. That'll be me, happy as Larry!"

After her visit, Judie McCourt said, "It was a pleasure to deliver good news to Gordon and John in Bellshill. I hope they have a great time celebrating and treating themselves with the money."

Deserving Projects

Today's prize is part of a draw promoted on behalf of Postcode Planet Trust (opens in a new tab). Supported by our players, this trust delivers grant funding to organisations that work to protect and promote our environment and wildlife. Benefiting charities include The Wildlife Trusts and Royal Zoological Society of Scotland.

Players aren't the only ones who benefit from People's Postcode Lottery. 33% of the ticket price goes to charities and good causes. Thanks to our players, more than £950 Million has been raised for over 9,000 deserving projects around the world.

Not playing yet? Do you know about all the amazing Prizes our players can win? Learn about how People's Postcode Lottery works and sign up to play today.

Published: 15/10/2022

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