Terms and Conditions of Exclusive Player Games Prize Draws
These terms and conditions apply to all Exclusive Player Games Prize Draws promoted by Postcode Lottery Limited.
The Exclusive Player Games Prize Draws are promoted by Postcode Lottery Limited, trading as People's Postcode Lottery, which has its registered office at People's Postcode Lottery, c/o BDO LLP, Two Snowhill, 7th Floor, Birmingham, B4 6GA. They do not form part of the society lotteries managed by People's Postcode Lottery but are a free promotion in which a game of skill determines which prize draw a participant is entered into. People's Postcode Lottery may discontinue the promotion at any time.
Entry is only open to persons aged 18 years or over (i) who on the day of entry had a ticket in the draws to play the society lotteries managed by People's Postcode Lottery from which People's Postcode Lottery is making announcements of winning postcodes, or who are new subscribers to the society lotteries managed by People's Postcode Lottery and (ii) who have registered to use People's Postcode Lottery’s player account area, known as “My Account” and (iii) to whom People's Postcode Lottery has provided access to the free games of skill accessible through My Account. People's Postcode Lottery may remove access to the free games of skill accessible through My Account at any time.
Any person who, if successful in an Exclusive Player Games Prize Draw, would win more than £500,000 in aggregate across the Exclusive Player Games Prize Draw and any other individual paid-for society lottery draw managed by People's Postcode Lottery occurring within 50 days of the relevant Exclusive Player Games Prize Draw will not be eligible to win a prize from the relevant Exclusive Player Games Prize Draw.
Each eligible participant is entitled to one play credit per day for the free games of skill accessible through My Account. Play credits can be used for a single game only by the participant logging in to their People's Postcode Lottery My Account to play, and will expire if not used on the day of issue. Play credits can be used to play a game of skill after which eligible participants will be entered into a prize draw. Eligible participants' scores will determine which Exclusive Player Games Prize Draw you have been entered into.
There are three types of Exclusive Player Games Prize Draws. They are: Bronze Boulevard; Silver Street; and Golden Gardens. Highest game scores will be entered in the Golden Gardens draw. Medium game scores will be entered in the Silver Street draw. Lower game scores will be entered into the Bronze Boulevard draw. The score required to be entered into the Bronze Boulevard, Silver Street or Golden Gardens draws will be determined by the specific game played, and will be detailed within the specific game page. If a game is started but does not conclude it will be entered into the relevant Bronze Boulevard draw. The three Prize Draws will ordinarily take place once a week but some Prize Draws may cover a different period. Any such Prize Draw will be specified within My Account.
Each respective Exclusive Player Games Prize Draw will, unless otherwise specified within My Account, be open for entries from 00:00 hours every Thursday to 24:00 on the following Wednesday with the draw normally taking place the day after entries close. Timings for individual Exclusive Player Games Prize Draws may vary and any changes will be published in My Account.
The 3 draws will ordinarily be conducted on the Thursday following the expiry of the entry period for the relevant draw, such that for a game played at 10.00 on a Thursday entry would be into the draw taking place on the following Thursday, not the draw taking place on the day the game was played. Any different arrangements will be specified within My Account.
Winners of the relevant Exclusive Player Games Prize Draw will be selected at random using People's Postcode Lottery’s randomisation software. People's Postcode Lottery will check eligibility of winning participants prior to confirming the award of a prize. People's Postcode Lottery may draw alternate winners who may be awarded prizes in the event one or more previous winners are found to be ineligible. People's Postcode Lottery's determination of any matter relating to eligibility or entitlement to a prize from the Exclusive Player Games Prize Draws shall be final and binding.
Winners will be notified by email within 48 hours of the relevant draw taking place, ordinarily on the Friday following the draw on the Thursday, and provided with a unique redemption code to redeem their voucher online. Any vouchers not redeemed within 3 months of the winning email notification being sent to the winner will no longer be capable of redemption. To redeem Golden Gardens and Silver Street prizes, winners are required to complete the redemption information required on the website:
Bronze Boulevard winners will be sent their digital prize vouchers directly by email.
Where a choice of prize items is provided, availability of individual items at the time of redemption is not guaranteed as stocks of each item will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Winners will be able to choose one item from the items on display at the time of redemption. If the selected prize cannot be delivered for reasons outside People's Postcode Lottery’s reasonable control, winners will be invited to choose an alternative prize. People's Postcode Lottery may also, at its sole discretion, provide a cash alternative in cases of prize unavailability.
Delivery of prizes is to a relevant address in England, Scotland or Wales only. Delivery of prizes will normally take place within 28 days of redemption. Some prizes may require to be signed for on delivery.
The surname and county of the winners from a Golden Gardens draw will be shown on the Wins section of My Account on the Tuesday after the relevant draw unless a winner has already contacted People's Postcode Lottery to object to this information being provided. In such circumstances the surname and county of the winner will not be made available on the winners section of My Account but will be provided to the Advertising Standards Authority if required.
People's Postcode Lottery reserves the right to exclude entries where it has reasonable grounds to suspect any breach of these terms and conditions, that the winning Player is ineligible or that its website or the promotion has been misused. While People's Postcode Lottery shall use its best efforts to ensure the accuracy of all winner notification communications, People's Postcode Lottery shall not be liable to award prizes to any individuals advised in error that they have won in an Exclusive Player Games Prize Draw, in circumstances where they have not in fact won in the relevant draw.
Prizes in each Exclusive Player Games Prize Draw will be as advertised. Normally prizes will be a voucher code that is redeemable online. The value of prizes may vary.
People's Postcode Lottery takes the protection of Personal Data seriously. All data processed in connection with the Exclusive Player Games Prize Draws will be processed in accordance with People's Postcode Lottery's privacy policy, available here: https://www.postcodelottery.co.uk/policies/privacy-policy.
People’s Postcode Lottery may use a third party to supply prizes in which case winners details will be shared with its supplier for the purpose of distributing prizes. Any prizes are non-transferrable and will be given to the winner only.
While People's Postcode Lottery shall use its best endeavours to ensure the availability of My Account to eligible participants through which they can play a game in order to enter an Exclusive Player Games Prize Draw, People's Postcode Lottery does not accept liability for systems, technology or communications failures or any other event or circumstances which may prevent any person from entering an Exclusive Player Games Prize Draw.
By participating, entrants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions which shall be governed by English law.