How To Help
How To Help An Owl Sanctuary

Here in the UK we have six species of owl, and there are concerns over most of them. The conservation status of our most prevalent owl, the tawny owl, has dropped from green to amber amid a decline in numbers. We must protect these birds now in order to preserve their future.
Why Volunteer With An Owl Sanctuary Charity?
If you're passionate about animals and wildlife conservation, then volunteering with an owl sanctuary could be perfect for you. You'll get the opportunity to spend time with these beautiful creatures, while helping with efforts to nurse sick or injured birds back to health, as well as contributing to conservation efforts.
Volunteering is a great thing to do if you want to help, but perhaps don't have any spare cash to donate. Even if you have a healthy bank balance, it's hugely rewarding to spend your time helping a good cause. You're likely to find that you meet some like-minded people along the way, and you may discover a new passion to carry forward.
How To Help Owl Sanctuary Charities
There are lots of owl sanctuaries across the UK, and there are many that would appreciate some extra help. You'll work closely with the birds when you help to feed them and clean out their aviary, while some light gardening is often required. You will be providing an invaluable service without which most owl sanctuaries couldn't function.
Volunteering directly with the birds is usually the most popular way to help, but there are other ways you can lend a hand to an owl sanctuary beyond the day-to-day running of a centre. Perhaps you have carpentry skills that could be put to good use, or even the ability to pick up a paintbrush might be greatly appreciated. Building and groundwork skills are also often highly sought after by people running centres like these.
If you don't have any time to spare volunteering, you could become a member of a sanctuary instead. For an annual fee you could enjoy the benefits of a centre all year round, whether you're enjoying a peaceful stroll through some woods, or a photography day with a beautiful owl.
Some sanctuaries offer you the chance to sponsor an owl. You may be able to pick which bird you want to sponsor, and receive things like pictures and key rings in your adoption pack, as well as the chance to attend special open days.
You may struggle to turn your head right round like an owl, but you don't necessarily need eyes in the back of your head to spot one. Reporting sightings can be crucial to helping owl conservation in the UK. If you're a landowner, there are measures you can take to make your land more suitable for supporting wild owls.
Things To Know Before You Help/Volunteer
Although the more time you can give the better, even if you only have a few hours a month to spare, you'll find that you can make a real difference to an owl sanctuary that will be grateful for your help.
Where To Get Started
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Last updated: 05/03/2021