Share A Promise For A Kinder, Fairer World

Two words that demand we listen and that we act - You promised!
Nelson Mandela once said that promises to children, especially, should never be broken.
Fulfilling a promise, there's nothing better.
If you make good on a promise, you bring a smile to people's faces. You create a bond, and you offer a glimmer of hope. We all know the world needs more hope and positive change right now.
Tens of millions are displaced or affected by war, famine, and climate change. Young people are facing a desperately worrying future.
And we can all make a difference.
This week, we launch a new campaign in partnership with Oxfam GB called Share Your Promise, and our pledge could not be simpler: We want to help build a kinder and fairer world for all in 2023.
Working with Oxfam GB, we plan to inspire change and Share Your Promise shows how simple acts of kindness can unite us and strengthen our communities.
Kindness costs nothing, but it can mean everything. You can be kind to our environment, to family, to friends and neighbours, to work colleagues and local communities. And most importantly, we urge you to be kind to yourself. It's really that simple. The smallest acts and deeds can change lives.
Five Simple Promises
Here are five easy little promises you can make:
- Knock on the door (we're good at that, remember) of an elderly neighbour and ask if they need help with shopping.
- Smile lots, say please and thank you, and remember that telling someone to have a good day isn't that American these days.
- Volunteer with a group of people who are making a difference. We promise they'll welcome you with open arms.
- Be greener and care about your space. Our parks, beaches, hills, towns, and cities deserve some TLC.
- If you talk to yourself (and millions of us do, apparently), then do it in a friendly voice.
We can all play our part. So, let's come together to share our New Year's promises to inspire positive change.
Matt's Musings
Matt Johnson, a People's Postcode Lottery ambassador and devoted dog dad, promises to practice self-kindness by carving out time daily to do something that brings him joy, like walking his pug Alan (named after football legend Alan Shearer).
Matt said, "Checking in with yourself and assessing your emotions helps you to gain a far better understanding of your needs. Your mind and body are the only places you live in and are often neglected because life has a habit of distracting us from who we are and how we want to feel.
"We should all try to take moments to slow down and check-in on ourselves because it can help improve our moods, relationships, and productivity, therefore giving us a greater capacity to help ourselves and others."
Being kinder to yourself is one of the cornerstones of this campaign. We are urging everyone to look after yourselves. You really do matter. Treat yourself, and dance to your favourite music. Talk to anyone and everyone, friends, and family. Do not be afraid.
Player Support
Player support is helping Oxfam GB fulfil its mission of creating a kinder, fairer world where everyone has the power to thrive, not just survive. This involves overcoming poverty by fighting the injustices and inequalities that fuel it.
Danny Sriskandarajah, Oxfam GB's CEO, said "I'm really excited for and looking forward to the launch of Share Your Promise campaign.
"We know that small actions can make big changes happen during these challenging times. Simple acts of kindness make us all part of the same global community.
"The incredible support from players of People's Postcode Lottery has been life-changing for so many people across the world. Helping save lives, providing people with clean water in disasters, and holding world leaders to account for the climate breakdown.
"We thank you and hope you'll join us and share your promise to look out for yours and others' wellbeing, and help make a kinder, fairer world in 2023."
Oxfam GB has already received £13.5 Million awarded by Postcode International Trust, thanks to players of People's Postcode Lottery. One of the ways those funds are helping make the world a better place is through Oxfam's Women's Rights Fund. It's developing community-led solutions addressing women's rights, including the gap in mental health support for women and girls.
This means survivors of abuse, women suffering from mental trauma and those faced with social stigma surrounding severe diseases such as cancer get the support they need without worrying about funding restrictions. Each action is moving them closer to creating a kinder and fairer world.
Visit our social media and share your promise; this campaign will run between the 1st to the 8th January 2023.
Your promises will be shared on our social media alongside posts celebrating the amazing player support helping to create a kinder, fairer world.
- People's Postcode Lottery Facebook Page (opens in new tab)
- People's Postcode Lottery Instagram Page (opens in new tab)
- People's Postcode Lottery Twitter Page (opens in new tab)
Making A Difference
People's Postcode Lottery players are helping deserving causes like Oxfam GB make a difference every single day. Read more about the range of Charities which our players support.
Related Links
Share Your Promise
Published: 03/01/2023