Postcode Millions
Isle Of Wight Strikes It Lucky
Lucky players of People's Postcode Lottery from the Isle of Wight have scooped an incredible £3 Million prize pot in the February Postcode Millions.
Isle of Wight players were presented with their winnings at an exciting cheque presentation held at the glamorous Landguard Manor. They found out last week that their postcode, PO30 1, was the winning postcode sector but it wasn't until Saturday that players finally found out just how much they had won.
One extremely lucky winner was Pat Willis, who played with the full winning postcode, PO30 1JH. Pat, who attended the event with her husband Ken, was delighted to walk away with a cheque for a phenomenal £331,159! The event saw 112 residents in the winning postcode sector share a £3 Million prize pot, with prizes ranging from £7,098 to £662,318.
Pat, who recently retired from her role at St John's Ambulance, initially won a cheque for £14,197, but was absolutely shell shocked to discover that she had won so much more. "I've got four children – two girls and two boys – and this will make such a difference to not only our lives but also to theirs," said Pat.
Pat continued, "We only signed up to play in January. I won £10 in my first month, and now £331,159 in February – it is just absolutely amazing!"
Pat and Ken, who were born and bred on the Isle of Wight, are planning on a family holiday this year, but haven't quite decided where yet. "This money is here to be enjoyed! You never know what is around the corner in life, so we've got to make the most of this," said Pat.
Two other lucky winners, who played with the full winning postcode, won amazing amounts. One winner also won £331,159 whilst the other player, who played with two tickets, won an incredible £662,318. The winners, who were unable to attend the event today, have been contacted about their wins.
The event was also a family affair, with siblings Paul Shutler and Elaine McComb both winning on the day. The brother and sister have eight other siblings on the island, but they were the only two from the family to sign up and play.
Elaine, who plays with two tickets, won twice as much as her older brother Paul. "All week I've been teasing Paul that I was going to win more than him and I have! I've won £28,394, and Paul has won £14,197."
The winners' celebration saw a number of supported charities in attendance, including Riding for the Disabled Association, Girlguiding and Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust, which is based locally on the island.
The Founder of the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust, Dame Ellen MacArthur, expressed her delight at players from the Isle of Wight scooping the big prize. "Huge congratulations to all of the winners of People's Postcode Lottery Postcode Millions! Our team at the Trust had a fantastic day at the event celebrating with the winners - thank you so much for supporting us!"
Published: 27/02/2016